Meet Hank. He’s the cat you’ve always wanted. He is mischievous. He’s handsome and svelte. He’s loving, but in the way that males are often loving…always enough to keep you on the hook but always a bit out of grasp. He rarely meows but when he does, you know it’s important. His voice is sweet. It’s a combination of rolled r’s and an ascending note from a flute. He loves to be pet, but he loves to play even more. He has significant charm and uses it to his full advantage when leading you over to his string, which he does every chance he gets. Most of all, he’s smart. He doesn’t endlessly chase the toy. He learns the toy’s pattern then waits until it comes around again before pouncing, not because he’s lazy but because he wants the optimal point of attack. He bullies his sister but comes running when she is trapped in the cat carrier. He sleeps in the crook of your knee at night, but not for too long. He has shit to do. He is important.