We all know the drill. The mornings are for getting breakfast and a few cat naps in before it’s time to switch rooms. During the week, it’s a short routine followed by a long stretch in the day that’s reserved for catching up on the much needed rest after a tiring weekend. Before long, it’s time to get up for the evening routine. On the weekend, the days are a little longer and there are more demands to socialize and share space. There’s usually a workout or two and some new food to try. But what about when you’ve caught up – when you don’t need a nap and the string has been firmly batted into submission? What do you do when you’ve found some extra time for yourself after the social activities are done and work is on the backburner? How do you walk the line between wasting time, being productive, and making the most of this short life without turning it into a race or only being busy? I’m guessing it has something to do with developing interests and finding a passion, ideally something that sticks beyond just a phase. In the meantime, you’ll find me in one of my usual spots doing one of my usual things, not unhappy but a little bit bored and pleased to see you.