You know those days when you follow the same routine but don’t get the same result? You get up in the morning, take your shower, get dressed and do your make-up but you somehow still look like you just rolled out of bed. I’m not sure what it is – maybe dehydration or extra puffiness – but being tired isn’t pretty…for cats! Of course, I have no idea what that’s like personally. It’s not like I’ve been accused of looking like a zombie by my lovely boyfriend. If I could relate, I’m sure it would most likely be on a Friday, when the effects of work deadlines and staying up too late have accumulated, when the days have started getting shorter and the fridge is empty. In either case, B and I will be sharing that pillow for a few extra hours this weekend, and I’m sure we’ll both feel (and look) better by Monday.
Relax, it’s nap time
One of B’s favorite things is to relax, and if you disturb her she will let you know. She prefers peace and quiet and doesn’t like a lot of walking around while she’s resting. She’s like your mother, always telling you to sit down if she thinks you are running around too much. I think of her as always being lazy but it’s clear that she follows a routine. Without fail, she will sleep next to me on the left side of the bed, leaning against my pillow. In the morning she will hangout for a while after getting breakfast and a drink of water from the faucet, but very soon after she will head to the deep recesses of the closet where I have two towels hidden on a shelf (one for each cat). In the afternoon, she will switch to active resting mode and move to the living room, stretching out on the chair or even on top of the dining room table. She manages to get through her day, all the while projecting an attitude of complete calm and leisure that we can only hope to achieve after the day’s activities are done.
*P.S. What is your cat’s routine?
(Cat) Selfies
Someone asked me for a current picture the other day. I said sure, then whipped out my phone for what I assumed would be a quick find. I soon realized that I had thousands of cat pictures but very few of me. Actually, I had a few of my face from when I had been experimenting with the photo booth app – the one that stretches or otherwise distorts your image – but those were completely ruled out as options for sharing. Thankfully, I had a few selfies, and what better way is there to get current pictures of yourself while still taking cat pictures? It’s a little bit tricky since the cats are wondering why I’m getting so close to them. Also, B loves to use the phone was a face scratcher. But if you are quick (and take a bunch), you are sure to get a picture that makes you feel good about turning the camera around for once.
*P.S. Please share your cat or dog selfie pictures in the comments section!
Meet B, the annoying companion you can’t live without

Meet B. She is the original cat of the house. I knew I didn’t want a Siamese cat because they are vocal, but I assumed the initial meowing was related to being in the shelter and not typical behavior. Looking back, I should have recognized the hint of triangle in her face and the fact that very few of the other shelter cats were meowing in their cages. I got her soon after moving into my own condo, having just been through a divorce and feeling the emptiness in the rooms. She was immediately confident and full of character. B fills those rooms and along with a big section of my bed, managing to take up (what feels like) a 3rd of the space with her stretched out legs and inconvenient spooning. She isn’t worried about being polite and will traipse all over you while scream meowing, knowing that it will likely get her fed sooner. She sometimes just wants to talk, keeping her words short and garbled. One time she got sick and lost her voice – it was the sweetest week of her life. She likes to play but is often overwhelmed by the complexity of the string. It’s hard to tell if she’s dumb as a rock or half blind but both could be the source of the half second delay before she spastically swings at the passing toy. She is adamant about two things, staying on the bed (maneuvering through an entire changing of the sheets) and sitting on your lap. You don’t ever have to worry about offending her. She will always come back. Thankfully, that’s exactly what I want her to do.