Max has so much character, you need only know him by reputation. In fact, I’ve actually haven’t met him since he lives across the country in Buffalo, NY. However, I feel like I’ve gotten to know him over the past 2 years through stories and pictures relayed by my boyfriend, originally from his twin brother. In fact, the first time I saw Max was within a week of first talking to my soon to be boyfriend. I don’t think we had even met face-to-face yet when I received this picture of Max via text. It didn’t come across as a conversation starter. Instead, I think he was so enamored with Max that he couldn’t help but share the photo that was just sent by his brother, who’s actually the one holding him. You see, Max has a special kind of charm. He has captivating eyes and a nose you can’t stop looking at. He’s especially big, but more like a football player than a couch potato. As the Big King, he rules the house but is also very lovable. He has been known to claim pizza boxes and baskets as his own, but if those aren’t available, he is happy to take a nap on your lap. After that first picture was sent, I could see right away that Max is an awesome cat. But more importantly, I knew I was free to text back my own cat pictures, which was a sign that this would be a very successful relationship.
Author: AnnaM
She looks how I feel…tired!
You know those days when you follow the same routine but don’t get the same result? You get up in the morning, take your shower, get dressed and do your make-up but you somehow still look like you just rolled out of bed. I’m not sure what it is – maybe dehydration or extra puffiness – but being tired isn’t pretty…for cats! Of course, I have no idea what that’s like personally. It’s not like I’ve been accused of looking like a zombie by my lovely boyfriend. If I could relate, I’m sure it would most likely be on a Friday, when the effects of work deadlines and staying up too late have accumulated, when the days have started getting shorter and the fridge is empty. In either case, B and I will be sharing that pillow for a few extra hours this weekend, and I’m sure we’ll both feel (and look) better by Monday.
Meet Mo, the Bengal cat who’s been more places than you
Since I mentioned Hank’s similarities to the Shiba Inu in my last post, I thought I would introduce you to a cat that is even more like a dog, my Dad’s cat, Mo. Mo is a Bengal cat, a breed that’s meant to be big and a bit wild. He’s been traveling on a leash since day 1 and, for the most part, seems to like exploring his new surroundings. He isn’t always seem comfortable not being able to hide (that’s usually when he gets a shoulder ride), but he has gotten to see much more of the world (read: PNW) than most other domestic animals. This cat has probably been on more beaches and job sites than me! If he could, I’m sure my dad would have him on a kayak or in a backpack going up a mountain. His name is in reference to a song. I can’t remember which one exactly, but I believe it’s about wanting more (pronounced “mo”), more life, more everything. It’s hard to differentiate Mo’s character from my dad’s, given that they are always together and are both eccentric, but I do know that these two are living life to the fullest and aren’t wasting a second.
The Hank-Dog…See the Resemblance?
Maybe it’s because I love my cats so much that I notice things that remind me of them, but I swear I see resemblances of Hank in the very popular Shiba Inu dogs walking around the city. According to Wikipedia, the Shiba Inu is “a small, agile dog that copes very well with mountainous terrain, [and] was originally bred for hunting.” Clearly, Hank is related to this breed somehow. He is very agile, loves to hunt, and has hints of orange in his coat…and just look at the similarities in the nose and ears. Also, “the Shiba’s frame is compact with well-developed muscles”, just like Hank’s! Okay, so it may be a stretch, but my boyfriend and I have started pointing out the “Hank-dog” as we pass one on the sidewalk. Now if only Hank liked to go outside…
*P.S. Does your cat have any distant relations to other animals?
Relax, it’s nap time
One of B’s favorite things is to relax, and if you disturb her she will let you know. She prefers peace and quiet and doesn’t like a lot of walking around while she’s resting. She’s like your mother, always telling you to sit down if she thinks you are running around too much. I think of her as always being lazy but it’s clear that she follows a routine. Without fail, she will sleep next to me on the left side of the bed, leaning against my pillow. In the morning she will hangout for a while after getting breakfast and a drink of water from the faucet, but very soon after she will head to the deep recesses of the closet where I have two towels hidden on a shelf (one for each cat). In the afternoon, she will switch to active resting mode and move to the living room, stretching out on the chair or even on top of the dining room table. She manages to get through her day, all the while projecting an attitude of complete calm and leisure that we can only hope to achieve after the day’s activities are done.
*P.S. What is your cat’s routine?
(Cat) Selfies
Someone asked me for a current picture the other day. I said sure, then whipped out my phone for what I assumed would be a quick find. I soon realized that I had thousands of cat pictures but very few of me. Actually, I had a few of my face from when I had been experimenting with the photo booth app – the one that stretches or otherwise distorts your image – but those were completely ruled out as options for sharing. Thankfully, I had a few selfies, and what better way is there to get current pictures of yourself while still taking cat pictures? It’s a little bit tricky since the cats are wondering why I’m getting so close to them. Also, B loves to use the phone was a face scratcher. But if you are quick (and take a bunch), you are sure to get a picture that makes you feel good about turning the camera around for once.
*P.S. Please share your cat or dog selfie pictures in the comments section!
Fantasy (Paw)ball
Since it’s the official start of football season, Hank is wondering why the game isn’t on TV. You see, he loves all sports, especially football and hockey. He also likes golf, but the action is a bit slow for his taste. If he had his pick, he would rather play than watch, but his teammates (read: family) aren’t nearly as dedicated. He often has to settle for making up his own games. He will drop a toy on the floor then pretend he doesn’t see it while casually walking past it. When his back leg is positioned just right, he’ll “accidentally” kick it away while looking the other direction. Then he’ll chase after the toy and start all over. Sometimes, he drops the toy in a shoe or bats it under a piece of furniture. Then he’ll take a few steps back to do the pre-pounce wiggle before attacking the toy again. Having the game on TV is especially nice because there is usually something interesting to watch and it can be interactive. “What about the scratches to the TV?”, you say? I do cringe a little when he swipes his paw at the puck or tries to tackle the players, but if it means my little guy is entertained for a few minutes with no effort required on my part, then I say, “Isn’t that what a TV is for?”
(Cat) King of the Condo
Did I mention Hank is smart? He’s never content with the status quo. He’s always searching for something interesting, looking for new areas to explore, new toy options, new paths to higher ground…In the early days when I separated Hank and B for stress relief, I came home one day to find that they were both in the bedroom. I assumed I had been absent minded and had locked them both in the bedroom. The next day, I was sure Hank was out of the bedroom before shutting the door (two sets of food, water, and litter, for those that are wondering). Again, I came home to find they were in the same room. I was stunned. The only way into the bedroom when the door is closed is up and over a ladder to the loft, followed by a long jump to the ground (or bed, as it turns out) on the other side. Also, the ladder is no cake-walk. The rungs are made of thin re-bar – not for people scared of heights or bare feet. However, later that night in the bedroom with the door closed, it wasn’t long before I heard the soon-to-be familiar sound of Hank’s paws hitting the steel bars as he climbed the ladder with “cat-like” agility. The loft became his own private retreat, away from the hustle and bustle of the main area. There was no need to worry about what to do next or the other cat(s) and dogs in the condo. It was his, and his alone. Finally, when it was time to get back to business, it was the best place to take it all in, to survey the landscape if you will, before jumping in (down).
I Like You…Sometimes
Did I mention that B (in front) wasn’t initially a big fan of her new brother, Hank? The idea of getting a second cat came about when B was past her initial stress meowing but on to her meowing-for-attention phase. You might think you know what I’m talking about, but this was seriously a level or two past normal. I even voice recorded her one day when I got home from work when she would follow me around for 10 minutes despite having food in her bowl. I sent it to a friend and he said it was “off the hook”, or maybe it was “off the chain” – I’m not sure about the hip lingo these days. Either way, after a year it was clear that she needed a friend. Who we brought home one November Saturday, however, was not that friend. After Hank warmed up to his surroundings, he began his transformation into the king of the condo, which included terrorizing B, who’s meowing instantly stopped because it seemed to attract too much attention. After some time (and forced separation), they have found a comfortable companionship. They are often on the same couch or even in the same closet. Hank has started grooming B’s head, although that is frequently followed by an attempt at her jugular. When one of them finds themselves alone for too long, we will sometimes hear a lonely howling, like they are lost in a maze of rooms. Despite all the togetherness and hints of fondness, I’m still not convinced it isn’t all about who has the better sleeping spot. The one who got there first doesn’t want to leave, and the one who wants it is willing to share.